Thursday, December 18, 2008


Well it seems my wonderful attempt at blogging every day has slipped a little. Apparently people noticed over the weekend and made comment. Hey, stones and glass houses people - I don't see anyone else out there attempting to blog as much as I am!

Yes, that also includes Cathy ...

So today I've decided to blog twice - not only to catch up, but so I can hit my 70th post on here. Although with some of my posts being edited, I suspect I've made more than 70 entries.

So here I am in a very nice office in the city (7th floor has great views!) with 4 laptops around me, trying to do everything at once. I don't even get time to watch the progress bars float across the screen - how do they expect me to blog efficiently with no time to watch the pretty blue bars.

Perhaps I shouldn't be watching all the professional young ladies wander around the office as much.

Mmm, perhaps I shouldn't make comments like that either.

Ok, little update - I have a weekend of "singledom", well at least as close to "singledom" as I hope to have in the near (or far) future. With Cathy going to see her parents for christmas (apparently she's blaming my not going on lack of funds - but seriously, I think I've spent enough time with her parents in the past couple of months!) and me having to do a whole truck load of christmas shopping, I don't see how I'm going to be doing much of the "singledom" type things.

On that note - it's interesting at this time of year, how people assume that their family is fine and dandy to spend lots of time with. Yet on the other hand of other families, it's a drain and/or a bore. I guess it's just lucky that my grandmother isn't over this year and I get the "Come and spend Christmas Day with us" invite.

Well, back to watching lots of progress bars for me ... back later to blog about something even more interesting! - No, I have no idea what either.


Cath said...

I think I've spent enough time with her parents in the past couple of months!



Mr Subtle said...

Have I not? 3 days upon your return from Russia - and then 1 week around your Tap concert. Seems to me a serious amount of time?