Friday, February 15, 2008


I know, I have been very lazy of late. To be honest I've been stuck in the office so much that I haven't been able to get out and do anything ... let alone perv'ing!

So, instead I've been able to get some writing done. Someone told me I should call it creative writing, but I don't consider myself to be creative - nor this particular story.

I've never written anything seriously and I am not fooling myself into thinking that I could ever be a writer. But sometimes getting something ... intimate? ... down on "paper" can be good.

Seems to work wonders for 1 or 2 that have read it so far.

So, the 3 or 4 people that read my blog at odd times - what say you? Care to be bored with some of my writing?

Unless it's a resounding "hell no" some of it will go up over the weekend. Hell, even if it is a "hell no" I'll consider putting it up.

Now, where did I put my x-ray glasses - have to get my perv'ing stats back up! Haha!


Cath said...

Bring it on...

Then again, I am so bored on occasion I will read almost* anything.

*I will never never never read Bryce Courtenay.

Unknown said...

Cath - people actually read Bryce Whatshisname? I thought it was just used to start fires?

Maybe I'll put a couple of paragraphs up today and see what reaction I get.

Red Squirrel said...

Go for it - it'll be therapeutic at least :)