Thursday, May 10, 2007

Let's get physical ... physical

Well, it's winter but by christ I have to start doing something about all this excess ... energy, yeah energy ... that I'm storing up. Although eating huge high carb meals almost every night is NOT helping one little bit.

I have 3 problems with exercising in winter (the "exercising in general" list is longer, I'll do that later)
1 - It's winter, it's always damn cold!
2 - walking doesn't do it, so I have to jog, in which case I get bored REAL quick! (Yeah I have an MP3 player but music is another weird post)
3 - NOTHING to perve at!!

Number 1 & 2 probably are the worst of the bunch, cos really while I'd like something to perve at, me trying to jog and stay alive while perving at some cute chick would NOT go down well at all ... I don't think I'm one of those lucky ones that gets to look good while exercising. So having nothing to perve at probably is a good thing ... ish.

So how do I get rid of the excuses around 1 & 2? ...cold? put thicker clothes on? Bored? more music ... or something.

I think my dislike of exercise comes to a crunch in that I get bored so very, very quickly. I'll load up my crappy MP3 player and within 2 steps I'll want to go back and load "good" music on it.

I really think I just have to bite the bullet, get up early in the morning and be done with the stupid thing.

Cos getting out of bed at 9:20 when you're supposed to be at work at 9, really IS NOT a good thing!!

So yeah, tonight it's early to bed and out of bed tomorrow morning at 7:30 ... even 30 minute run/waddle is better than what I'm doing now!!

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