In an attempt to get some more order into one's life, I am now blogging on the weekend.
That's just slightly depressing.
Ok, more than depressing.
So let's see if I can remember last night through the veil of bourbon that has slightly muddled my head. And for that matter my stomach, but the bacon and eggs is helping that.
Went to movies - check
Perv'ed before movies - check
Perv'ed after moives - check
Perv'ed on way home after movies - oh hell yeah!
It's a shame that there are so many little men in this world. And I do mean this literally.
Perv-boy and myself aren't short guys. I'm slightly taller (which he grumbles about consistantly) but we are both almost 6'4, so this means most of the population is shorter than us.
I'm not sure which I had more fun doing - perv'ing on the hot young ladies - or smirking at the short boyfriends/partners/etc as they tried to look big and tough next to their girlfriend/partner/etc.
Yes, I can see the ironry here. Here I am single, blah, blah.
To be honest, I am perv'ing for more than the scenery. But it's not enough that I'm actually looking for anything right now.
I'm having too much fun with what I am doing. But honestly I wouldn't say no. Well, actually I have said no and number of times over the past 18 months or so, it appears that I'm a man that will perv on almost anything, but not go out with anything. Seems I have standards.
I'm shocked.
On a seperate note, I'm thinking about a bit of a film/show critic section to my blog. I seen enough films and shows (of the TV and other variety). I suspect it will be rather basic in the beginning, but I have to have something that will extend my writing and my grey matter usage. Especially the grey matter. I feel that I'm starting to slow down.
Or that could just be my generally health right now.
I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up.
Tom Lehrer