Wednesday, August 06, 2008


For a short time (let's say 6 weeks) I'm going to be using my blog to track a few specific things in my life. Namely my eating and exercising habits.

I know I can put this anywhere, but for the moment I want it somewhere I can get anywhere and I can be answerable to a couple of people (ok, one person in particular).

To make it easy, I'm going to start from today and put in a food diary and exercise specifics. Don't worry, I'll also have my usual ramblings, but with the odd intermission for healthy stuff updates.

So, to find a good layout for this stuff. I think I'll go look up some html coding for spreadsheet layouts and post them up.

Oh, I have 45 days to lose as much as I possibly can (at least 10 kgs) so the race is on!


Anonymous said...

Good on you for deciding to get healthy. A word though - don't go too hard or you risk losing valuable muscle instead of fat and that's bad. It's better to do a kilo a week and keep it off long term, than lose heaps of muscle and water and feel like crap.

You're a boy so it will come off much more easily for you than for Cath or me, but if you want a plan to follow to give you an idea of how much you should be eating to give you safe goals, Weight Watchers Core Plan rocks my world.

Ciao for now,

Mr Subtle said...

Thanks Katja, I've had a look at the WW Plan and it seems like a good idea. I've always had success with listening to what my body needs and running with that (figuratively speaking of course).

Basically I'm at the point of eating as much as I need to survive (I've started putting the food and exercise plan here too) and increasing the cardio to strip fat and flat lining the weights to stop the bulkiness.

At least for the time being - see how that goes.